being mI isn't that easy
||22 this year||
||currently at home wasting my dearest mummy's money ||
||17 nov 1986||
i aDoRe
||myself|| . ||him|| .
||dad|| . ||mum|| .
||one N onli baby brother|| .
||all mah frenz & lover-s|| .
||cats|| . ||dogs|| .
||SHOPPING|| . ||sleeping|| .
||horror movies|| . ||engllish songs|| .
||white colour|| .
||all sort of food|| . ||bubble tea from sweet talk|| .
||cocaroaches|| .
||total darkness|| . ||isolation|| .
||hypocrites|| . ||lies (all sort)|| .
||fattening foods ||
||her|| . ||them|| .
my WISH-es
||his love|| .
||new laptop|| .
||new hp|| .
||lesser nagging from my mum|| .
||sony digital camera|| .
||APPLE i-pod nano|| .
||a new jacket|| .
Is It Possible To NOT like Ramen Noodle ?
04 March 2007
During a recent escapade to cook myself some Ramen noodles, I thought of their savory goodness while I waited for the water to boil and thought rhetorically to myself, "who would resist such a simple and delicious food?"
After a short pause, I took the question more seriously and wondered if there really was a person, or possibly an entire group of people that do not like Ramen noodles in the slightest bit.
Upon finishing my delicious Ramen noodles, Shrimp flavor I might add, I concluded that it was just impossible for a human being to resist the simplicity and delicious taste of Ramen noodles.
However, I was not fully satisfied with my conclusion -- maybe there really IS someone who does not like Ramen noodles lurking on the face of the Earth... I must find out!
So, if you honestly cannot stand Ramen noodles, seriously leave a comment why you do not like Ramen noodles. In Ramen's defense, I'm not expecting comments.
somthing called Faith @ 3:29 AM